· Taking Action,Perspective,Life is Short

Chip Away Instead of Adding More to Your Life

We attended a relative's memorial yesterday. The diseased was young being in her twenties when she passed.

Despite the pain of her unexpected loss, the gathering was a very positive one. Happy memories of her were shared in between hugs and tearful laughter, her spirit very much alive as one relative stood on the podium after another.

Each time someone passes serves as a powerful reminder of how short and fragile life is. The end of someone's journey almost always trigger us to refocus on ours and expose what truly matters.




Life is simple but it seems to get complicated along the way.

David was Michelangelo's masterpiece. He was carved out of a piece of marble that was rejected by other sculptors. But Michelangelo knew there was something beautiful in it and chipped away at everything that didn't look like David.

Today, I invite you to reflect not on the things to add to your life, but what to chip away. To reveal what it is that gives your life meaning, what provides it purpose and what truly makes you happy. To live a life you can look back to when your own journey is close to an end and, without regret, know that the life you have built was your own personal masterpiece.


A Life Well Lived Team

"In every block of marble I see a statue...I have only to hew away the rough walls that imprison the lovely apparition to reveal it." - Michelangelo

P.S. A happy life is a simple recipe but it somehow ends up buried under the mental, emotional and physical clutter people have created. Learn how to get back to the basics and redefine what a beautiful life means to you. Join us at www.alife-welllived.com

P.P.S. This month of November, we hope you're able to capture the blessing brought by many moments of tradition and celebration to create more beautiful memories that, in the future, you can happily look back to. In the spirit of Thanksgiving, we'd like to pause and thank you for your continued support of A Life Well Lived. As a token of our gratitude, we're gifting you full access to this month's Premium Newsletter which is typically only sent out to Premium Members. This gives you a sneak peek at one of the benefits of a Premium Membership. Happy reading!