Tempers Rising

· Temper,Perspective,Gratitude

Do you find yourself anxious during the holidays? I visualize this season, as most people do, as a time when everyone is smiling, happily decorating their homes, holding cups of hot cocoa around the fireplace and having a good ‘ol time.

But, reality is, the stressful energy around me is quite palpable — from the frantic shoppers constantly reprimanding their kids to behave themselves to more cars honking at intersections to folks looking grumpy as they wait in line at the grocery store.

It seems like we tend to forget what this season is about. If not for its religious connotations, let’s at least remind ourselves that it’s also the time to slow down, reflect and be grateful for the wins of the year that’s about to end and most of all spend quality time with our loved ones.

More often than not, we tend to get swept by the agitated energy that seems to engulf this time of year and focus on traditions that we’re expected to adhere to, hence the heated arguments over something as simple as who’s going to put up the tree to simply grabbing the easiest (or cheapest) presents without a thoughtful moment about who it’s going to — just to be able to hand them something and quietly have the satisfaction that you did your “job.”

broken image

Today, I ask you to close your eyes and spend five minutes to think about everything good that happened to you in 2022. It could be a milestone such as a promotion or a business opportunity or maybe you even moved into a new home. Or it could be something simple, yet more important, which we somehow overlook in our day to day existence such as not getting sick, the fact that all our loved ones are still alive or our ability to put food on the table every single day. Not everyone can check all those boxes. If you can, you’re quite lucky. Some people are willing to pay all the money in the world just to spend one more day with a beloved who has passed or have the chance to wake up the next morning completely healed from their illness.

Think about all the things you look forward to in the year ahead. Think about all the folks dearest to your heart, realize what a blessing it really is to have them in your life and what you wish for them in the year ahead.

Think that no matter what struggles you’re going through (big or small), know that everything’s going to be ok. Because they usually do. If it goes the way you wished it would, then great. If not, it’s just one of life’s train stops reminding you a valuable lesson, which is a gift in and of itself.

To all of you reading this and supporting us all these years, I offer you a big (virtual) hug and an even bigger THANK YOU. I wish you love. I wish you abundance. I wish you great health and a 2023 that makes all your dreams come true.

You are and always have been amazing,


A Life Well Lived Member