• Tool #3: 5-Minute Gratitude


    My friend Carla was going through a tough time 2 years ago. She lost her job, the one she's had for 10 years. The pandemic made things worse and everything started to go downhill from there. She stopped caring for herself the way she used to. She'd overeat and spend days bingeing on movies. She would send applications here and there but she was consistently rejected for another applicant.


    On her birthday, I sent her a gratitude journal. She called me and said, "What's this? What am I supposed to be thankful for? I've been out of work for months. I've gained a ton of weight. I keep getting denied." She was about to keep going when I interrupted her, "Just write three things. Just three things. You'll think of something."


    Reluctantly, she gave it shot. She said it was weird at first, just staring at a blank page clueless about where to begin. She couldn't think of anything. But eventually, she started to notice things. She noticed the beautiful sunset which she always simply ignored before. She was appreciative of the simple meals she was still able to afford. She smiles as she thinks about the funny joke someone told her as she tucked in for bed. She was also reminded of things she typically took for granted - her parents were alive and well, she always had friends she could count on, she wasn't sick, she had a comfortable home, a warm bed to sleep in.


    Slowly, her mind started to shift. She started to notice more and more positive things in her life, started to care for herself again, read books instead bingeing on Netflix, worked on improving her resume and spent more time looking for job opportunities. She wrote in her gratitude journal not just in the morning but again before she went to bed.


    I got a call from her one day and she said "You wouldn't believe it." A former colleague called her from out of nowhere. Someone just quit in their office and they had a job opening perfect for Carla's skills and experience. Carla couldn't believe it - after months of searching, something finally landed in her lap. She felt overwhelmed with gratitude. She thanked me again for getting her started on the journal, it had been a game-changer for her. It helped her stay positive and hopeful, even when things appeared dire.


    If you're going through a tough time, give a gratitude journal a shot. Who knows? It might just be the thing that helps turn things around for you. It's a powerful tool that can help cultivate a sense of appreciation in our daily lives. It takes less than 5 minutes each day and can provide renewed perspective.


    Benefits of a Gratitude Journal

    1. Increases Happiness: Gratitude journaling has been shown to increase feelings of happiness and positivity. By focusing on the positive aspects of our lives, we can improve our overall mood and well-being.
    2. Reduces Stress and Anxiety: Gratitude journaling can help us manage stress and anxiety by shifting our focus away from negative thoughts and emotions. When we focus on what we are grateful for, we can reduce feelings of overwhelm and increase our sense of calm and relaxation.
    3. Improves Sleep: Practicing gratitude journaling before bed can help improve the quality of our sleep. By focusing on positive thoughts and emotions, we can reduce the impact of negative thoughts and emotions that may keep us up at night.
    4. Increases Resilience: Gratitude journaling can help us develop resilience and cope with challenging situations. By focusing on the positive aspects of our lives, we can develop a more positive outlook and increase our ability to bounce back from setbacks.
    5. Improves Relationships: Gratitude journaling can improve our relationships by helping us appreciate the positive qualities of those around us. By expressing gratitude to others, we can strengthen our relationships and build a sense of community.

    How to Start a Gratitude Journal

    1. Choose a Journal: Choose a notebook or journal that you enjoy writing in. It can be a plain notebook or a decorative journal with inspiring quotes and designs. Or you can print this template we made for you.
    2. Decide on a Time: Decide on a time of day that works best for you to write in your gratitude journal. Many people choose to write in the morning or before bed. Or both.
    3. Write Down What You Are Grateful For: Take a few minutes each day to reflect on the things you are grateful for. Write down three things you are grateful for each day. These can be big or small things, such as a kind gesture from a friend, a beautiful sunset, or a delicious meal.
    4. Reflect on the Day: Take a few minutes to reflect on your day and write down the positive things that happened. This can help you focus on the positive aspects of your life and increase your sense of happiness and well-being.
    5. Make it a Habit: Make gratitude journaling a daily habit. Set a reminder on your phone or calendar to remind you to write in your journal each day.

    It's a simple but powerful tool that can help us cultivate feelings of gratitude and appreciation in our daily lives. By taking a few minutes each day to reflect on the things we're thankful for, we can improve our overall well-being, reduce stress and anxiety, and increase our feelings of happiness and positivity. With consistent practice and patience, gratitude journaling can become a powerful habit that transforms our lives for the better.


    Try it. We're eager to hear how it works for you. Feel free to share your experience with us at support@alife-welllived.com.


    A Life Well Lived Team


    "This is a wonderful day. I've never seen it before."

    - Maya Angelou

  • Testimonials

    "Initially, I was skeptical about the gratitude journal template, but it has had a real impact on shifting my perspective. Acknowledging the small joys I encounter each day has helped me stay positive."


    Email us at support@alife-welllived.com to share your own testimonials.