The Mentor You Never Had

· Learning,Books

I've been blessed to have been surrounded and continue to be surrounded by good people - my parents, husband, close friends, colleagues...people who have taught me things that have enriched my life, widened my perspectives and opened my eyes. But there are a multitude of things I have had the urge to learn more about at different stages of my life - from relationships to business and finance, real estate, marketing, psychology and many more varied topics. For these, I have turned to books.

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Books have been a huge part of my life for as long as I can remember. They have taught me not just skills but have offered illuminating insights on areas I previously felt confident about where I stood. Each book, each author, I've had the privilege to read has helped shape, in a big way, how my life is today.

It's like having a personal mentor for any aspect of your life you want to improve or have trouble navigating. It guides you, provides you with confidence and empowers you to go out there and take action...take chances. Chances you would never have otherwise have taken. Chances that could've moved you just a tad bit closer to finding your happiness.

It is not unusual for me to be reading 2 to 3 books at a time. It's like an escape to another world without ever moving your feet. It not only feeds my mind but it has the knack to heal my soul and satisfy my imagination.

What are you currently reading? What are you itching to learn more about? I invite you to pick up something that excites you. Something you feel could potentially turn things around for you. Because if not now, when?


A Life Well Lived Member