Daring Ideas

· Courage,Creativity

During these last few months until today, many of us have gone through some tough changes. We have gone past the stressful point of adjustment and some of us are even taking steps on how to make the most out of this transformation and conquer it.

These times have allowed us to stretch ourselves, even rethink the way we’ve done things in the past.

We might have come up with new ideas. It could be in business, at work or even at home. Ideas that attempt to make things better. Ideas that are different. Ideas that are daring. Ideas that are bold.

When you muster enough courage to try something new, some people will feel threatened. These are the people who prefer to stay put and are satisfied with how things are. Your audacity will be a sore reminder of their lack.

Your ideas may be questioned or even laughed at and for a brief moment you might even consider pulling the plug.


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Every brilliant idea is sure to displease someone. Creative and new ideas are brilliant by the very nature that they change things. And some people cannot handle change. They’d rather stay within the safety of the norm. But please remember that their criticism doesn’t make your idea wrong. It’s just that their understanding is flawed.

So go for it. Experiment. Boldly try as many ideas you can come up with. This is how you grow your own confidence, by trying things out without fear of failure. Be patient and soon you will have proof of who’s wrong and have no place in your life. You’re a game changer.


A Life Well Lived Member